Deadline Games (makers of Samba de Amigo) will be releasing Faith and a .45 a new third person shooter to the Sony Playstation 3, Microsoft Xbox360 and PC .
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According to 1UP "The game's most distinctive feature looks to be the relationship between hero Luke and sidekick/love interest Ruby. In single-player, you take control of Luke with Ruby as the second member of your squad, while in co-op (online or off -- jump in/out at any time) the second player controls Ruby directly. You have light squad control features in the single-player mode along the lines of a Gears of War, but the game does a few things you might not expect if you think of it as a "squad" game."
Sound like a pretty awesome concept.....A Bonnie and Clyde for your next generation console..
Thursday, February 7, 2008
NanoGeekTechTV presents: Faith and a .45 Debut Trailer
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