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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Unreal The "Unofficial Engine" Of Project Natal?

Epic Games, the champion of Microsoft and the creators of all things Unreal plus Gears of War is officially on board with Microsoft's game changing control scheme "Project Natal." VP Mark Rein calls the company's popular Unreal tech "the unofficial engine of Natal."

In an interview with OXM UK, Rein says he also considers Unreal the "economic engine of Natal," the platform upon which developers should go to if they "want to get a big headstart and use the same tech as Microsoft."

Rein also says that, going forward, don't be surprised if you see Natal's motion and voice detection control schemes in future Epic Games titles.

"I have no idea what we're going to do from a game standpoint, but from an engine standpoint, it's definitely cool stuff, and we will support it," he says. "I think any future Xbox games we make will have some Natal support."

[Kotaku via:OXM UK]

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