Beta 2.0

Thursday, March 27, 2008

HTML what a bitch.....Damn Still Constructing?


Still trying to redo my blog, having a few issues so please bear with me. I have absolutely no knowledge of HTML.... I am learning as I go. So far it feels like Google is the best classroom on the planet.

They are a few issues I am currently having, one being implementing my search into the search bar you see on my Blog. My biggest dilemma is, I've downloaded a web 2.0 template and the way the code is written and where everything is placed is totally different form the previous template I was using and getting used to at the same time. So it feels like I have to get a little more comfortable with the new code.

Its been a tough week, I have to buy a new computer my Laptop died...I guess it was time it was four years old HP. I worked the hell out of that Laptop cannot complain. Now work I can complain all damn day........... long but hey thats why its called WORK not FUN or PLAY. This week has been the hemorrhoidal work week from hell and back, its been a pure pain in my ass. I have had meetings and trainings all over the beltway...waste of gas and time...

I digress...HTML is a foreign language especially when you are a NooB (I hear this song in my head when trying learn HTML) like me. Only if learning HTML was as easy as getting a 20 kill win streak in Sony's PS3 COD4. I need to get my search engine right, I have to get my Banner ad right, My blog has not been indexed by Google since February 15th 2008?Plus some more shit.... Trying to be a Pro Blogger isn't easy....If anyone has any suggestions or tips please feel free to drop me a line.


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