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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sony provides Physics SDK to PS3 developers

Sony has slowly begun to show their cards, in recapturing this contentious next generation console war. During CEDEC 2009 Sony release a slew of impressive videos of technology that will be implemented into he Sony PS3 in the no so soon future.

Some of the impressive tech that was shown during CEDEC 2009 were Sony's Extreme Zoom capabilities and advance voice control dubbed PS3VR. Sony now has the ability to provide all developers with physic base SDKs that would make third party engines such as Euphoria and Havok absolute or less dependent on.

With Sony's physic base SDK tools in the developers hands--developers will be able to quickly capitalize on the pure horse power of the PS3. With it's CELL processor the PS3 will be able to calculate physic base solution within milliseconds giving a very accurate repersention of real world physics. Video after the jump.

Via:[Playstation LifeStyle]


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