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Friday, November 20, 2009

Sony PS3 to lead the way with true 3D HD gaming in 2010

Sony's secret weapon HD 3D will help Sony push the boundaries of Home Entertainment and maybe put Sony back on top of hardware sales.

Home entertainment is on the verge of it's next evolution, just off the heels of the HD revolution, Sony is ready to take the next logical leap " 3D HD". Sony's secret weapon will be able to turn every PS3 into a 3D HD wet dream. Sony has already teased us with amazing true full HD 3D footage from, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, WipEout HD, and MotorStorm: Pacific Rift earlier this year at the Consumer Electronics Show. The upgrade will come via a future firmware upgrade. Sony will also be developing and releasing games in Full HD 3D to further re-establish themselves as an entertainment giant, which is part of Sony's new and very interesting 3D gameplan to become profitable in 2010.
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