Beta 2.0

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Living a Digital LifeStyle at 5 years old with a Sony PS3

Being a child in the 21st century has it's ups and downs. Being a 5 year old child with access to a Sony PS3, Xbox 360 and a Nintendo DS you cannot get any better than that.

I bought my 5 year old a Nintendo DS for her 5th birthday. To my surprise I should have just bought a second PS3 and put it in the child's room. My daughter loves her some Sony PS3. To her my PS3 is a magical box that shows every movie she wants without the need of a physical disc, it shows all her pictures with a press of a button, plays all her favorite songs with the press of a button, it makes silly movies with the press of a button and most importantly the "games looks way much cooler on the PS3 than on her DS". That's the words of a 5 year old.
What would life be if I had a PS3 when I was five, would I been the next President looking to make a change? Or maybe the next Nobel prize winner? Or maybe a video game blogger? Will, we would never know would we?

Now my daughters fascination with our PS3 could have stemmed from the love I show for my PS3. All she knows when daddy plays any games it's on his PS3, when daddy watches any movies it's on PS3. She realized that she can also pause, rewind, fast forward or stop any movie she watches on PS3 just like the shows she watches on DVR. She loves the empowerment of controlling the realms of time and space. Damn it must be good to be a kid.

My Sony PS3 is the most used device in my household next to our computer, fridge, stove and maybe heating unit(it's cold as shit outside). At her 5 year birthday party, the PS3 was the center of her universe. We used the PS3 to play all the kids songs, showed photo slide shows of the party the instant they were taken, and play a few old kid friendly PS1 and PS2 games.

LittleBigPlanet is my five year old favorite game. LBP can be have a slight learning curve for a 5 year old, but all she knows it's the cutest game she has ever played in her life. Everything is so cute, the stickers, the sackgirl she created, the music the game box that came with the game. The kid dreams about LittleBigPlanet, wakes up talking about it. I had to cut her back just a little it was getting out of control.

If you ask a certain 5 year old what she likes about her daddy's PS3 for her reply would be "everything when can I get my PS3".


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